Deakin Marine Research and Innovation Centre
Deakin University
Vincent is an ecologist with a broad interest in how ecological processes can be used to achieve better conservation and management of threatened communities. As an expert with the use of stable isotopes as an ecological tool, he has used novel approaches to examine ecological interactions from species to ecosystems. Vincent has strong interests in fisheries management, with a particular focus on sharks and rays. He strives to develop novel methodologies to answer or improve on numerous research issues using cutting-edge techniques including drones.
Vincent has worked in a variety of environments, from terrestrial aquaria to coral reefs to remote seas in Tasmania. At the Blue Carbon Lab, he is helping with the Blue Carbon environmental accounting project, bringing together my expertise in fisheries and building ecosystem accounts.
Ecology, stable isotopes, fisheries, drones, remote sensing
Career Highlights
Raoult, V., Taylor, M.D., Schmidt, R.K., Cresswell, I.D., Ware, C. and Gaston, T.F., 2022. Valuing the contribution of estuarine habitats to commercial fisheries in a seagrass-dominated estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, p.107927.
van Putten, E.I., Pinkard, E., O’Grady, A., Schmidt, R.K., Cresswell, I., Raoult, V. and Taylor, M.D., 2021. Stakeholder perspectives on the value proposition of enterprise-level natural capital accounting for three primary industries. Environment Systems and Decisions, 41(4), pp.541-555.
Tachas, J.N., Raoult, V., Morris, R.L., Swearer, S.E., Gaston, T.F. and Strain, E.M., 2021. Eco-engineered mangroves provide complex but functionally divergent niches for estuarine species compared to natural mangroves. Ecological Engineering, 170, p.106355.
Hewitt, D.E., Smith, T.M., Raoult, V., Taylor, M.D. and Gaston, T.F., 2020. Stable isotopes reveal the importance of saltmarsh-derived nutrition for two exploited penaeid prawn species in a seagrass dominated system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 236, p.106622.
Taylor, M.D., Gaston, T.F. and Raoult, V., 2018. The economic value of fisheries harvest supported by saltmarsh and mangrove productivity in two Australian estuaries. Ecological Indicators, 84, pp.701-709.
Williamson, J.E., Byrnes, E.E., Clark, J.A., Connolly, D.M., Schiller, S.E., Thompson, J.A., Tosetto, L., Martinelli, J.C. and Raoult, V., 2017. Ecological impacts and management implications of reef walking on a tropical reef flat community. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114(2), pp.742-750.