Celebrating one year of the #BlueCarbonArmy!
In 2018, HSBC and Earthwatch Australia partnered with the Blue Carbon Lab (BCL) to develop a ‘citizen science’ program that empowered Australian industries to build a sustainable future, while advancing Deakin University’s research on coastal wetlands and climate change.
After one year of field operations and data collection activities, the program has had many exciting achievements and significant impact in both the industry and the research.
Industry Impact
So far we have upskilled >200 executive staff from 17 businesses (e.g. HSBC, Qantas, QBE, KPMG, Allens, NextDC, AusPost, EY), who are 70% more knowledgeable in the topics of natural capital and sustainable development. Participants have also increased their wellbeing, reconnected with nature, and bonded with their team.
Research impact
This program has boosted Blue Carbon research by enabling the execution of 7 research projects, supporting 16 data collection campaigns in 10 wetland sites, and leading to new collaborations with Higher Education institutions. Data collection has finalized for projects highlighted in yellow and the first papers are getting written!
Learn more about the Blue Carbon Citizen Science program
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