Scientists from the Blue Carbon Lab have begun initial work for the Victorian Coastal Wetland Project.
Earlier this year we worked closely with Coastcare and Wadawurrung to develop a traditional owner engagement plan for the project. We will be assisting the Wadawurrung with their plan to protect numerous important cultural heritage sites around Pt. Lillias. We joined Wadawurrung in late-2018 for an initial on-country visit and will be joining again on another on-country visit mid-2019.
BCL members Dr. Mel Wartman and Dr. Paul Carnell have been working closely with Greening Australia and Parks Victoria to complete initial site visits for on-ground works in Gippsland Lakes and Western Port region, with fieldwork commencing in late June this year.
In March 2019, Will Glamore and Tino Heimhuber from UNSW Water Research Lab flew to Melbourne to visit several potential sites, which we will select one to complete a hydrological model to inform a restoration action plan for the site. Please watch the Victorian Coastal Wetland Project webpage for an announcement on the final site selection and updates on the project throughout the year.